Stranging erotic underwear number

Stranging erotic underwear number

1. Basic style of suspenders sexy underwear

Belt sexy underwear has its own characteristics in terms of color, material, and tailoring, but the basic styles of the hammo sex lingerie are relatively single.The main design elements are usually connected to the upper and lower products with the V -shaped strap to highlight the shape of women’s body lines.

2. Motive occasions for suspended sexy underwear

Tibetan sexy underwear is suitable for more diverse occasions, and can be worn in sexy moments, party fun, and romantic dating.In addition, the transparent fabric of the hammer of the hammo is also suitable for adding fun at the bed to stimulate the mind and body.

3. Materials for suspended sexy underwear

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Common suspenders’ sexy underwear materials include silk, lace, tulle, mesh, etc.Among them, silk can add women’s soft arcs, lace can show the romantic atmosphere of women, while tulle and mesh eyes can show the mystery of women.

4. The color of the strap sexy underwear

The color of the hammo sexy underwear affects the degree of display of women’s sexy temperament.Light color such as pink, yellow, green, blue, etc. can highlight the fresh and sweet sexy atmosphere, and black conveys a charming and mysterious sexy effect.

5. The number and significance of the numbers of the suspender sex lingerie

The number of numbers in the suspender sex underwear is the same as that of B, C, D, E and other conventional underwear.However, when the number of "+" symbols is added behind the number, the underwear size is increased, and "-" represents the reduction of the underwear size.For example, 32C+reflects that this strap’s sexy underwear is 32 yards, the cup type is C, and it is suitable for increasing size.

6. Style extended from a suspender sex underwear

The band erotic underwear has its own characteristics in the design, and the style extended accordingly is also diverse.For example, adding lace and ultra -thin handmade water -shaped crystal suspenders can visually increase women’s mystery and personality charm visually.

7. How to wear a hanging band erotic underwear

Wearing a suspender sex underwear is not just simply put on.Here I recommend a correct way to wear: first, buckle the underwear back; then, one of the straps is around the neck line from the front, and then fix it behind; then, the other strap is the same around the neckline,Then tie the back button.


8. The price of a suspender sex underwear

The price of a suspender sex underwear varies from the complexity of the brand, materials, and design.The cost -effective styles are usually around 200 yuan, while the high -end hammo sexy underwear of top brands may reach more than 2,000 yuan.

9. Maintenance method of suspender sex underwear

Most of the materials of the haltering underwear are softer and require some special maintenance methods.First of all, you need to wash your hands and clean it at low temperature when cleaning.At the same time, when storing, the underwear needs to be kept in the original state and placed in a dry and ventilated place to avoid humidity.

10. Tibetan sexy underwear can evoke women’s confidence

Tibetan lingerie can evoke women’s confidence.Wearing a suspender sex underwear can not only show women’s figure lines, but also increase the sexy temperament of women, allowing them to confidently face various challenges in life.