Sexy underwear wearing sexy

Sexy underwear wearing sexy


Interest underwear makes women feel more confident and sexy, and they can add some stimuli and fun in ordinary days.However, if you want to feel embarrassed and comfortable when choosing and wearing sexy underwear, you need some professional and accurate knowledge.This article will introduce you to the various types and materials of sexy underwear and how to wear sexy underwear.

Falling underwear material

The main materials of sexy underwear include silk, lace, fish nets, latex, etc.These materials have their own advantages and disadvantages.For example, silk can make people feel smooth and comfortable, but it is not durable.Latex can provide better support and control, but some women may be allergic to them.Of course, material selection should also be based on personal preferences and comfort.

Interest underwear type

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When choosing a sexy underwear, you can choose from the following types:

Drain and underwear suits

This is the most basic type and one of the most popular types.The bras and panties suits can be a simple hook or lace -up, and it can also be sexy and irritating lace or fish net style.

Rest up sexy underwear

Rest -binding underwear includes bra and panties set with ropes and other restraint devices.This type of sexy underwear can provide irritating experience.

Stockings and stockings

Stocks and stockings can be paired with simple underwear or sexy bra and panties.They can make your legs look more slender and provide sexy and irritating visual effects.

Performing sexy underwear

The body sexy underwear can perfectly fit the body curve to make the body more charming.In addition, they usually include some sexy details, such as hollow and transparency.

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Semi -transparent lingerie includes some transparent materials, such as lace and fish nets.This sexy underwear can make women feel more sexy and attractive.

Sexy underwear wearing skills

Generally speaking, in order to fully experience the effect of sexy underwear, you need to pay attention to the following points:

Size and shape that suits you

Each woman’s body has different shapes and sizes, so it is essential to choose the sexy underwear that is suitable for your body.If the size of the sex lingerie is not appropriate, it may show your shortcomings instead of adding charm.

Pay attention to match

The matching must take into account the various details of the sexy underwear, such as lace or transparency, and various colors.To make the whole set of sexy underwear look layered and harmonious, you can choose the appropriate color high -heeled shoes or accessories that are matched with them.

Pay attention to the occasion

Although sexy underwear can increase women’s sexy and self -confidence, they need to pay attention to occasions when wearing them.For example, it may not be appropriate to go to the office in sexy underwear.Consider the time and place of wearing to make it look more appropriate and decent.

Washing and maintenance of sexy underwear

In order to keep your interesting underwear fresh and durable, the following measures are recommended:


Although erotic underwear usually uses lightweight materials, it is not recommended to put it in the washing machine for cleaning.Hand washing is more milder, which can protect the shape and material of sexy underwear.

Avoid direct sunlight

High temperature and sunlight can damage the material and color of sexy underwear.Therefore, after washing, the sexy underwear should be dried in the dark area to avoid direct sunlight.

Observe the washing instructions

The washing needs of each sexy underwear are different.Therefore, the relevant washing instructions to obey the sexy underwear can ensure that its luster is infinite, and it can also extend its life.

in conclusion

Sexy underwear is a good choice for women to increase sexy and self -confidence. They can be paired with different materials and styles.When wearing sexy underwear, you need to pay attention to the appropriate size and shape, properly match and occasion, and do a good job of cleaning and maintenance of sexy underwear.